Saturday, August 20, 2011

Glass slipper? High heels? They're almost the same, right?

Lately, Simone has been making me watch all the Disney Princess movies and is especially excited when there is a "True loves' first kiss" involved somehow. 

Well, here's my favorite FairyTale of them all:

Once upon a time, in a not-so-distant land, there lived a University student. Like all University students, she rarely studied and spent most of her time out hanging with her friends. One night, she went to her favorite pub in town to play some pool and have a few beverages. After getting situated, she ventured up to the bar to get a drink. Behind the bar stood this amazingly handsome man, who had the most captivating smile she had ever seen. She instantly knew he was "the one". She could tell that this was not going to be an easy task to convince the man that she was "the one" for him, as she could tell many ladies fancied that sparkling smile, and he was in high demand. She left the bar that night and went on with her life thinking about him constantly, hoping that every corner she turned she might run into him. 

Knowing where he worked, she went there a lot, hoping he would be there just so she could catch another glimpse of her future, and maybe even work some of her charm on him. Months passed. She ran into him at his work place a few times and he was a customer at her work as well. She knew that only time would be the messenger of love and she must be patient.

One night, while out dancing, the man was working behind the bar. She shamelessly flirted with him alongside many other woman who were doing the same thing. She knew their efforts were fruitless - he was meant to be with her - even if he didn't know it yet. She left the bar that night feeling like she had made quite the impression on him and that she wouldn't soon leave his thoughts. As she entered her apartment, she took of her shoes, looked around and decided it was now or never. She wanted to be near him again and wasn't willing to wait until their next chance meet up. She put her shoes back on, at 3am, and walked back to the bar where he worked. Given that it was way past closing time, she wasn't even sure if he would still be there. She asked a surly bouncer standing by the door if the man was still there, and if so, could he please go and get him. Butterflies filled her stomach waiting out on the sidewalk, 3 am, freezing, in the middle of January. And just then, he walked out the door and she instantly felt strangely at peace. She asked him to walk her home. They walked ever so slowly in the gently falling snow and talked about everything and anything they could think of. Not one moment of awkward silence filled the air. As they approached her doorway, in a dark back alley parking lot, she turned and faced him. He was still trying to resist her charm but under the moonlight, in the falling snow he was defenseless. They inched towards each other and shared true loves' first kiss. 

Sometimes it takes guts to say what you feel and take incalculable risks with your heart. 
I will never have to look back and regret that I didn't put my shoes back on that night. 

That was over 6 years ago. We're still living Happily Ever After. 

1 comment:

  1. Michelle..thank goodness you followed the voice of your intuition. Because of your nerve (and charms)you captured the heart of our Son. You are a jewel. By the way Kudos to you and Mikey for making us a couple of darling Grandkids...
