Friday, August 19, 2011

First post...stay tuned for a BILLION more ;)

Well, as if I don't have enough going on right at this exact point in time, I decided to start a blog.

See, my hubby and I decided we had enough of Ontario living and being that I am originally from the Maritimes, we decided to pack it all in and move to Nova Scotia. Just like that. Amazing how ideas can become actions with a little determination and planning. Hubby has been working his tushy off for the last 3 years and it's all because of him that we are able to move. That's right my dear - YOU did this. Everyone give some props to hubby - he bought me a house. And not just any house - the exact house I wanted. "A happy life is a happy wife" he always says, and believe me - he knows his stuff. He could have cared less where we lived - in fact he had never even been to Nova Scotia until the day we went there to look at/buy a house. All in one day. Teamwork at its finest.

So, needless to say I am CrAzY busy right now with the moving date only a mere 8 days away, hubby offshore in Thailand, and our 2 little ones running circles around me every minute they are awake. This blog is for my friends and family that are tired of reading my 800 status updates every day. If you know me well, you know that I almost never stop talking when I have real, honest-to-goodness, intelligent,  adult conversation.

Behold the world's longest run on sentence. Be back soon xo